Penokee, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Pen Okee City? If so, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find information about this Kansas city. There are 147 people living in Penokee, with 7 households. This area has an average household size of two. The median house value is $65,000, and the average household size is two. Penokee is home to 6.00 homeowners, and the median housing value is $65,000.

The following table shows Penokee's population by age and education level. The population density of Penokee's neighborhoods is low, particularly near major parks and airports. However, crime rates may be higher in areas where people congregate. This is because crime occurs where people are. Therefore, if a city is close to a park, it may be safe.

In ZIP Code 67659, the majority of households are mortgaged. The median home value in this city is $50,500, which is relatively low compared to other ZIP codes in this region. As for household income, the median household income in this area is $37,232. This number is far lower than the national average. For more detailed information, you can visit the ZIP code 67659 website.