Olpe, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering a move to Olpe City, Kansas, you might be wondering: How big is Olpe? Olpe is a city in Lyon County, Kansas, with a population of 519. Here are some statistics about the city. Population & Steets in Olpe City are included below. However, these figures may not be the most up-to-date.

The average household size in Olpe City is 2.57 persons. Of these households, 10.7% were headed by a female who was not the husband. Another 12.7% were headed by a single male, making the median household size in Olpe, KS a family of three. The average household size is 2.57 people, with a median of 3.20. There are no racial or ethnic groups that are disproportionately represented in the poverty rate.

The population of Olpe is 595 people, with a median household income of $49762. The poverty rate is 0.8 percent, which is lower than the national average. There are no evictions in Olpe. Residents make an average of $49762 per year, which is lower than the median income in Hartford and Tampa. The average age is 30 years old. In addition to these, Olpe has a low unemployment rate.

The Population & Steets in Olpet city are based on the 2010 census, according to AreaVibes. The city's population is expected to be 529 in 2020, according to the United States Census. Approximately a third of its residents are under the age of 35. Likewise, the average IQ score is 41.6 years for males, compared to 35.1 for females.