Offerle, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Offerle, KS is made up of both men and women. Most residents are in their early 30s. The median age is 31 years, and families have an average of 3.1 people. While Offerle ranks 10813 nationally, it ranks only 264th in the state in diversity. The following charts present information about Offerle's average family size. You can use these statistics to find out more about the city's residents.

The poverty rate in Offerle, Kansas is below the national average, indicating that the people living there are better off than those living in other cities. However, the city only has 228 people, which is still considered a very small population. Various surveys have shown that the population density is higher in small towns. The overall livability of Offerle is deemed good. However, there are certain factors that affect the livability of the city.

The population of Offerle is approximately half the size of Kansas. The city is home to 5 wartime veterans. This makes Offerle, KS a highly educated community. Interestingly, over 50% of the population holds a STEM degree, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. For more information about Offerle's ethnicity, use the interactive map below. If you are looking for a place to call home, consider visiting Offerle, KS.

The population of Offerle, KS is comprised of two-hundred residents. Of these, fifty-three percent of the population is White, while 15.9% is Hispanic. Among the people living in Offerle, KS, one-tenth are Asian. There are a total of seven races in the city, with the most common being Caucasian and white. Compared to the national average, Offerle's population is decreasing in both the number of people of two races.