Oakhill, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For Oakhill, FL, you'll find that the most common race is White, while the next most common is Black or African American. Of the remaining two groups, 47 people are Two+ (non-Hispanic) and 188 are Black or African American. Overall, 1.49% of Oakhill's population is hispanic. The chart below shows the distribution of households in Oakhill by type of vehicle. The majority of households have two cars.

The population of Oakhill is 8,028. This small town is located approximately 200 miles west of Charlottesville, VA. The median home price is $69,300, and home appreciation is 9.6% over the last ten years. If you're planning to buy a home in Oakhill, here's some information to get you started. You can view interactive maps of the neighborhoods and find homes for sale.

While most neighborhoods in Newton are developed, Oakhill is the least. In fact, it's still mostly rural until the 1940s. The first settler, Robert Murdock, bought his land in 1703 from John Woodward and Jonathan Hyde. He lived there until his death in 1754. The town was named for him. The first resident of Oakhill, who died in 1754, was Robert Murdock.

The city is mostly white, with a high proportion of people in their late 20s and early 40s. There are few families and many single parents. The percentage of vacancies is slightly less than average. Oakhill is home to at least one nursing home. If you're looking for a home, you'll find one or more of these nearby. You can even find a school that offers special education.