Norcatur, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Norcature City is a quick look at the statistics. The population of Norcatur City, KS is composed of a diverse mix of residents. There are 81 households with children under the age of 18 living in them. The median age is 51 years, and the largest proportion of households is made up of married couples. There are also 19.8% of households with an older person living alone.

Norcatur is a small town located in Decatur County, KS. As of the 2010 census, the population was estimated to be 161 people. The median household income was $44,306, which has increased by 1.26% in just one year. The poverty rate was 8.73%. Norcatur's median age was 28 years. Males were 25 years old, and females were 29 years old. One hundred and twenty-four percent of residents were white (non-Hispanic). One percent of the population was of African descent.

The median property value in Norcatur, KS is $56,700. This is 0.247 times smaller than the national average of $66,700. Norcatur's homeownership rate is 73.5%, and a majority of residents commute by car alone. The average commute time is 18.2 minutes.