Hazelton, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Hazelton City, KS, population was 24,317 as of the 2010 census. This includes 9,798 households that had children under the age of 18 living with them. The city had a population density of 2.7 people per square mile, and a median age of 31 years. Most households had two people living in them, with 45.9% of households being made up of married couples. One in three households was made up of individuals, and 15.0% of households were headed by senior citizens.

The Hazelton area contains the City of the same name, but also includes the towns, boroughs, and villages that make up Greater hazleton. The City of Hazleton is located in Luzerne County, which is 35 miles southwest of Scranton and 81 miles northwest of Philadelphia. The city was incorporated in 1891, and the population was 14,000 at the time. The population of Hazleton has increased significantly since then.

Historically, the population of Hazleton was dominated by descendants of European immigrants. However, secondary chain migration has transformed the city's demographics in recent years, with Dominicans - both second and third generation citizens - driving the shift. Such rapid demographic changes are relatively rare in U.S. cities, and Hazleton is dealing with the consequences of this shift in an increasingly diverse city.