Douglass, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Douglass City is home to a diverse population. As of the 2010 Census, the racial composition of Douglass City is composed of White, Asian, and Native American people. There are 415 housing units in the city, with a population density of 16.6 per square mile. The majority of these units are occupied by renters. Among the total households, there were 514 owner-occupied units and 155 rental units.

Douglass City has a total of 625 residents, of which 99% are U.S. citizens. The median property value in Douglass City was $257,000, and 87.3% of the population lived in a house. Most residents commuted by car to work, with the average commute time at 11.3 minutes. The median number of car ownership in Douglass City was one vehicle per household.

The most common occupations in Douglass City, CA are Construction, Accommodation & Food Services, and Health Care & Social Assistance. Some of these people may live in other communities, but Census data tags all respondents to their residence address. Meanwhile, the highest-paying industries in Douglass City, CA are Health Care & Social Assistance, Educational Services, and Construction. These three industries account for nearly half of all the local jobs in Douglass City.