Cedar Vale, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that there are two police departments in Cedar Vale? Despite the small size of the city, there are several things to keep in mind. For example, this Kansas city has a gender ratio of 50.5% male to 50.5% female, which is slightly above the state average of 49.6% to 50.8%. If you live in Cedar Vale, you'll have to consider this ratio when it comes to hiring a new police officer.

First, let's discuss the cost of living in Cedar Vale. The median household income in Cedar Vale, KS is $37,688. Compared to other cities in Kansas, Cedar Vale has a relatively low cost of living. Also, the crime rate in Cedar Vale is relatively low. At 1.7% per year, the crime rate is the lowest in the state, and only 0.5% of residents are unemployed.

The proportion of people who do not have a bachelor's degree is quite low - only 14.6% of women were educated in Cedar Vale, KS. However, this is still above the national average. The number of people with a master's degree is higher, and the percentage of those with a doctorate degree is lower. However, this is still a high proportion of people who are educated. If you want to improve your chances of a good job, you should work toward that goal.

The USPS has assigned a ZIP code for the city of Cedar Vale. The city is often known by the "default" name of the USPS, and the USPS uses the "default" name for residents of the city. On the official website, the USPS gives the population of Cedar Vale in both 2010 and 2020. In addition, the zip code is also given along with the street name.