Byers, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets in Byers, Pennsylvania, you have come to the right place. Below you will find information about the city and its residents. Byers, PA is a small town in Pennsylvania. You can find information on the people, businesses, and events in Byers. Alternatively, you can view the map of Byers and see where all the major cities are located.

The 2010 census reported that there were a total of 828 people living in Byers City. This figure is based on the population's age. The population is broken down into racial and ethnic groups. People under the age of eighteen were the majority. People aged twenty-four to forty-four were the next largest age group, followed by those in the age group of thirty-five to fifty-four. Meanwhile, the population of those aged forty-five and older was twelve percent.

The Byers Census Designated Place has a U1 Census Class Code, a federally recognized name, and a Functional Status Code of "S". It is located in the East Arapahoe Division of Arapahoe County. It is not a governmental entity and does not have a school board or police department. It also has a single hotel. In addition to a small population, Byers has a few nearby towns and recreational activities, including the Colorado River.

The population of Byers is approximately 1,357 people. The median household income is $60,662. It is also important to note that the city has a low poverty rate, with just 0.1% of the population being considered poor. However, the city is not completely without challenges and you should be prepared to face them. Consider these tips when making your next move to Byers City. You will be glad you did!