Andale, Kansas Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the population of Andale City, Kansas, you can use our crime map to get an idea of the general level of safety in the area. We've mapped out the most dangerous areas in red, the least dangerous in yellow, and moderately safe in green. In addition to crime rates, we also display crime types and severity. Overall, Andale is in the 49th percentile for safety, meaning that crime is about the same as it is in other cities. Compared to the US average, Andale is 49% safer than other cities.

Andale has a population of 934 people, and 100% of them are U.S. citizens. Its median property value is $160,800, and 83.5% of residents own their homes. Andale is home to 421 people who work in 2 industries. Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade are the industries that employ most people in Andale.

A city's rent burden is the proportion of household income spent on renting housing. This measure is helpful in evaluating housing affordability. In Andale, the rent burden is 18.0% lower than in neighboring cities, like Sedgwick and South Hutchinson. Andale's total number of evictions in 2016 was 0.55 percent. If you're wondering what kind of housing affordability is like in Andale, you'll be glad to know that the median gross rent for the city is about $700.