Wellman, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Population & Steets in Wellmann City, IA, you've come to the right place. This article will explain the city's population and steets, including its current and former residents. You'll find out the average age of Wellman City residents and where they live, and you'll also find out the number of evictions.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Wellman, IA is White, while those living in the black and two-person households are the second most common racial or ethnic group. Income thresholds vary according to the composition and size of the family, and total income of the family must be lower than the designated poverty level. In Wellman, IA, the most common job group is Office & Administrative Support Occupations, with approximately 75 people employed in this field. Construction and extraction occupations are the second-most common job group.

The median property value in Wellman, IA is $117,400, which is 0.488 times smaller than the national average. The median home price is $117,400, and the percentage of homeowners is 75%. The median household income is $56,528. The median age is 45. People in Wellman, IA commute by car, with a median of 22.4 minutes. The average household has two cars.