Weldon, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Weldon's violent crime rates are lower than those in many surrounding cities, although they are higher than the state average. For example, a person living in the southwest of Weldon has a one in eight hundred seventy-five percent chance of being murdered. This is a much higher rate than the violent crime rate in the southeast, which is one of the least safe parts of the city. However, this does not mean that Weldon is particularly unsafe.

Weldon, California has a population of 2,319 residents and 914 households. The median home value is $125,000 and the average household size is 2.26. This area is predicted to grow by one percent over the next decade. It has a ratio of 0.98 males to one female, which may be a factor for local advertising. And, while Weldon does not have a high school graduation rate, its median household income is $23,205.

When looking at crime rates in Weldon, you should note that the east part of town is safer than the west. While this area has more retail establishments, the violent crime rate may seem higher because the residential areas contain fewer people. Therefore, the red areas do not necessarily represent an unsafe area for residents. In other words, red areas do not necessarily mean more danger for Weldon. In order to get a better idea of crime rates in Weldon, consider the following information.

While the overall rate of homicides is higher in Weldon than in other areas of the United States, this number is still much lower than that of Halifax. The population of the city is 17.0% higher than the state of North Carolina. And, although the city is not the largest city in the county, its homicidal rate is the highest. If you have a child or a teen, this number may be higher than yours.