Walford, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets in Walford City, Iowa, you're in luck. The data below is accurate as of the most recent census. As of 2016, there were 72 households in Walford. The median age of these residents was 30 years. The average household size was 2.7 people, and nearly half of these households were renters. In contrast, the national average is 2.8 people per household, so this is a fairly typical city size.

In terms of income, Walford has a median household income of $92,284. As far as poverty rates go, Walford is slightly better than the national average. The poverty rate in Walford is just 3.5%, compared to 11.7% for the entire state of Iowa. The median gross rent in Walford is $603, which is about average for a city in this size. However, this isn't enough to help you decide whether or not to move to the city.

The percentage of home owners in Ancoats is significantly lower than the national average. The city's population is made up of roughly one-fourths of non-White people, while nearly half of the population is black or of Asian descent. Although this is still a fairly healthy population, it is also disproportionately disadvantaged compared to other parts of Manchester. Moreover, the majority of residents are White, while the minority population is overwhelmingly non-White.