Underwood, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those of you who are planning a trip to Underwood, IN, a list of the local towns is helpful. If you're planning on visiting a local museum, a local library, or a school, it may be helpful to know the population of these areas. Alternatively, if you are trying to get a feel for the community, you can find the list of cities within a hundred miles of Underwood.

According to the United States Census Bureau, Underwood is home to 1,279 residents. Its median household income is $40,938 and the per capita income is $41,099, making it relatively wealthy compared to other communities in Washington. Underwood has a mix of rich and poor residents. There is a wide range of ethnic groups represented in the community, with 79% reporting White ancestry and 49% reporting German, Irish, or European ancestry.

As for the local demographics, the city has a fairly even distribution of ages, race, and gender. People in Underwood are largely young and single, with a median age of 34. Most people in Underwood commute by car, public transit, or by walking. The population is spread across three distinct categories: blue-collar, white-collar, and service industries.

Underwood City is located in eastern Nebraska, near the Iowa border and on the Missouri River. This means that you'll have to pay for your housing in order to live in this rural area. While it's not the most desirable climate in the Midwest, the weather is still pretty good in this town. And there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation. In addition to camping and fishing, Underwood offers a variety of opportunities.