Udell, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Udeml City? This article is an introduction to Udell's population and its demographics. The following table shows you the percentages of various races and ethnicities residing in Udell City. In Udell, there are around 2.7% of residents who are of Hispanic origin. Hispanics can be any race.

The population of Udell is spread out, with 34.5% of the population being under 18 years old, 3.4% between 18 and 24, 25-44 years old, and twenty-four percent 45-64 years old or older. The median age is 35 years, and males outnumber females by 114.8 to one. Those who are over the age of 18 are about six times as likely to be Hispanic as those in the rest of the city.

A list of nearby towns is also available. It will be convenient to see which cities are close to Udell when planning a trip. Getting to know the community and its people is an important part of exploring the area. If you're unfamiliar with the area, it may be worth checking out the towns and cities nearby to get an idea of how to live in a place like Udell.

Single women are overrepresented in Udell. There are 48% of households with single women. Single women are the highest in Udell, while the highest percentage is among the elderly. Rathbun is another place with a high proportion of single women. You can see how Udell compares to other cities by looking at its population and steets percentages. You'll be amazed at how similar the two towns are when it comes to these demographics.