Toddville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Toddville? This Iowa city is in Linn County. Find out more information on the locality by browsing the table below. You can also find out the racial composition of the city by checking the diversity score of the city. You can use this data to plan a road trip or explore the area. You can also use the map to find out what cities are within 100 miles of Toddville.

The table below compares crime rates in neighborhoods throughout Toddville. For comparison, crime rates in west and north neighborhoods are higher than in the northeast. However, crime rates in the southeast are lower than in the southwest. The southwest portion of the city has the lowest rate of crime. Overall, crime rates in Toddville are lower than the state average in Iowa. And there are very few high-crime neighborhoods.

The ZIP code for Toddville City is 52341. This area is located in Linn County. The city's official USPS designation is D, which is the preferred name by the United States Postal Service. This city is also the only ZIP code in Iowa that includes only one default name. The ZIP code is a five-digit code that can be extended with four digits. The last four digits of the code designate a street or a segment.