Titonka, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2020, Titonka, IA had a population of 412 residents. Ninety-five percent of residents are White and zero percent are non-White. In addition, 0.0% of residents identified as Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indians, or Alaska Native.

The median age of residents in Titonka, IA is 37. The median age for women is 46. Men are slightly younger than women. The median income is $36,400. There are many people working in the city and the surrounding area. Approximately 50 percent of the population is employed. However, a quarter of the population works from home, and two percent of the total population commutes by bicycle.

The population of Titonka, IA is made up of 0% of hispanic residents. The following chart shows the seven races that make up the population of Titonka, IA. The most common foreign birthplace is Mexico, followed by China and India. The majority of residents are US citizens, and this percentage is rising as the population grows.

The median property value in Titonka, IA is $52,100. This is 0.227 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 89.7%, which is above the national average. Titonka, IA homeowners own their homes and commute for 15.8 minutes on average each way.