Thornburg, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the Population & Steets in Thorburg City, you've come to the right place. Here you will find detailed information on the city's population, including the number of residents of different races. In fact, this data is even more interesting because it shows the percentage of residents who work. Of these people, 42.1% are employed. This makes their commute times much shorter than the average American.

The majority of residents in the Thornburg Park neighborhood identify as Asian, Sub-Saharan African, and Latin American. Another significant minority is Vietnamese. This population consists of 9.8% of Vietnamese residents, a figure higher than 99.4% of the population of the rest of the United States. The ethnic diversity of this neighborhood is also reflected in the languages that the residents speak. The languages spoken in this neighborhood are:

Approximately 90% of the homes in Thornburg Park were built in the 1950s. This is another indicator of the neighborhood's 1950s look and feel. Most residents have a bachelor's degree from a local college or university. The median price for a home in Thornburg Park is $724,736, which is more expensive than the U.S. average. The median rental price is $3,125, which is higher than the average of 68.6% of other California neighborhoods. This suggests that the demand for Thornburg Park real estate is higher than the U.S. average, which is a good sign for price increases and new construction.