Templeton, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population of Templeton City, Massachusetts, you've come to the right place. This article will discuss the city's population, as well as the state and national statistics related to it. You can also get an overview of the city's overall demographics by using the interactive map below. You can explore population stats and other demographic statistics to determine how well-suited the city is for your needs.

If you're curious about the economic stats of Templeton, you should know that the median property value in the city was $528,400 in 2019. This is 2.2 times higher than the national average. The median household income in Templeton was $32,034 in 2017. The per capita income was $19,671. The city's employment rate is similar to that of the surrounding area; it is about 38%.

A brief history of Templeton: The town was founded in 1886, when a land grant from Mexico was signed. Surveyor R.R. Harris was sent to survey the area. This was part of a larger purchase by the West Coast Land Company to lay out business and residential lots. Originally, Templeton was to be named after Charles F. Crocker, who owned a ranch in the area. In 1898, a fire destroyed the wooden buildings on Main Street. They were replaced by brick structures in a scale down from their former glory.

A growing number of major storms have made local agriculture increasingly difficult to maintain. These storms bring intense precipitation, flooding, ice, snow, and wind. In recent years, Templeton has experienced increasing numbers of major storms, and the 100 year storm has been common several times. It has been determined that Templeton will experience another extended drought in 2020. The Town is reliant on groundwater sources for drinking water.