Swedesburg, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To learn more about the population and steets of Swedesburg City, Iowa, it is useful to view the list below. The information provided will help you plan a trip and visit the town. You will also be able to get a sense of the local culture. You can also use this information to find cities near Swedesburg, IA. This information will help you find a neighborhood that you may like to live in.

For those looking to learn more about Swedish culture, Swedesburg has a Swedish American Museum commemorating the community's Swedish heritage. The museum is located in the former Farmers Union Exchange Building, which dates back to the 1920s. Swedesburg is located about 10 miles south of Mount Pleasant. Bill Bryson mentions Swedesburg in his 2006 memoir, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid.

The Swedish American Museum is located in Swedesburg City. The museum is operated by Candice Boulton. The museum traces the history of Swedish immigrants to the United States. Swedesburg was founded in 1864 by Swedish immigrants who emigrated to America. Today, there are less than 100 residents in Swedesburg. The city's heart church is still located in the center of the town.

The median household income in Swedesburg City was $98,854 in 2010. This was higher than the national median. And the median age of the residents was 38. The median family size was 2.30. This means that there are more families than single people in Swedesburg City. But the median household size is higher than the state and local average. So, the city has plenty of potential to attract new residents and develop their local economy.