Sully, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Sully City is 637. The gender split is 46.0% male and 54.0% female, and there are 19.9% households with children. Most residents are employed, with 95.4% of the community having a high school degree or higher. Twenty-two percent of the population holds a bachelor's degree or higher. Only 6.9% of residents have a graduate or professional degree.

The largest demographic groups living in Sully are white, black, or Hispanic. Only a small minority of people identify as Asian. The rest of the population is Hispanic, which makes up 17.8% of the city's population. The remaining 2.6% is unknown. The population of Sully City, Iowa, has grown by 17.2% since the 2010 census. There are three separate censuses conducted each year, with Sully being the most diverse city in its region.

The median age in Sully is 44.6 years old, which places it in the middle of the other cities in the Sully region. The median age of females is 7.7% smaller than that of males, but the median age of men is 46.5% lower than that of women. If you're interested in learning more about Sully's demographics, take a look at the following table:

The population of Sully City is approximately 34 percent. While the surrounding area is relatively small, the town's location on America's crossroads makes it a great place to live and work. First-rate schools and active civic groups contribute to the city's growing population. In addition, the local business community is strong, fueled by agriculture and manufacturing, as well as service excellence. You won't want to miss out on this community's history.