Strawberry Point, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning a move, you might be considering the cost of living in Strawberry Point. Compared to other cities in North Carolina, Strawberry Point's cost of living is lower. The overall cost of housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and other goods and services is lower than the national average. However, the average price of the other items in this category is higher. Read on to learn more about the cost of living in Strawberry Point.

The poverty rate in Strawberry Point is a measure of the percentage of the population that lives in poverty. A lower number means a more prosperous community. Strawberry Point's poverty rate is lower than the state's average of 27.5%, although neighboring cities such as Dyersville and Springville have lower rent burdens than Strawberry Point. In addition, approximately 30.5% of the population lives in rental housing, which is lower than the national average of 30.5%.

The median age of residents in Strawberry Point is 46 years old, and the median household size is 2.9. This small city is not as economically diverse as other parts of the state, and the average household size is smaller than the national average. However, it ranks higher in terms of diversity compared to many other small communities. For instance, Strawberry Point has more hispanic residents than any other city in the state, which is better than the average in the nation.