South Amana, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of South Amana is a bit older than the rest of the United States. The median age in South Amana is 57 years old, which is about one-third older than the national average. There are 5.00% of the population over the age of 65 in South Amana, while the national average is around 15 percent. Interestingly, the city has a very diverse population.

The area around South Amana City is small and rural. The city is home to about 1,400 people. It is located approximately 72 miles from the city of Lisbon and Traer. In terms of evictions, South Amana has fewer than one per year, but more than one per address. The median income for people living in South Amana is $30,000.

The South Amana area has a higher than average historical earthquake activity. The historical seismic activity is 155% higher than the national average. In addition, Iowa County has experienced more natural disasters than the US average (13). Among the local tourist attractions, the Barn Museum is a popular attraction. A few foreign nationals moved to South Amana in the last year. But the majority of immigrants come from nearby cities.

After the Great Depression, the Amana Colonies reorganized and abandoned communal living. This was referred to as "The Great Change" by the Amana people. The town suffered from a devastating fire in 1923. It was also experiencing the effects of a deep recession, and young people were leaving for more lucrative jobs or higher education. The year 1932 marked the third year of the Great Depression, and many people were losing their jobs and a good portion of their capital.