Sergeant Bluff, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Sergeant Bluff, Iowa, you should know the current population and steets of the city. This information will help you to make the best decision possible. This information is crucial in determining the best location for your family. The city has a high population density, which means that people live closer to one another. This is a great thing for those who want to find a house or apartment that suits their needs.

There are three ways to find the population and steets of a city. First, you can use the population information provided on Secondly, you can use the eviction history of a certain address to determine how many people are evicted in a given year. Compared to Le Mars and Dakota City, Sergeant Bluff has a lower number of eviction cases than these two communities.

The median household income for Sergeant Bluff, IA is $49,447. The lowest percentage of people living in poverty is Multiple race, at 8.52%. The highest percentage of poverty is found among non-working individuals, with 8.81% living in poverty. The most common age group to be married in Sergeant Bluff City is the 55-64 age group. The highest percentage of households with two cars is found in the 45-54 age group.

The percentage of foreign born residents in Sergeant Bluff is 3.3%. Its foreign-born population is 5.4% lower than the national average. The percentage of non-citizens is 5.1%. The percentage of immigrants is similar to other places in the local area. The number of Hispanic residents is 5.1%. This is a low percentage for a city this size. The percentage of immigrants living in Sergeant Bluff is also low compared to the national average.