Sanborn, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in Sanborne City, New York. These figures show the percent of households with each type of mode of transportation. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show how the percentage of households with each type of transportation changes over time. While the percentages are not the same for every race or ethnicity, you can still see that the majority of Sanborn, NY residents have a car and ride public transportation to get to work.

The Sanborn, NY zip code has a population of 987 people. This population is made up of 347 households. It has an average household size of 2.57. Sanborn has a low poverty rate with only 0.25% of residents being below the federal poverty line. The median property value is $127,000. The homeownership rate in Sanborn is at 60.7%. The average commute time for residents of Sanborn, NY is 27 minutes. There are two cars per household.

The Sanborn city area contains eight churches. Christian Reformed, Cornerstone Orthodox Reformed, First Reformed, and Grace Evangelical Free. The Sanborn Pioneer is the local newspaper. The N'West Iowa Review is the local weekly paper. It also includes information about neighboring counties such as O'Brien and Lyon. A large number of evictions is indicative of a declining economy.