Sabula, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Sabula is a town in Jackson County, Iowa. The population is approximately 576 people. Its population is largely spread out. One-quarter of the population is under 18 years old, while the remainder are aged 25 to 44. Twenty-one percent were aged 45 to 64 years old, and twenty-three percent were aged 65 and older. There were more males than females in Sabula, with ninety-five males for every hundred females.

There are 398 registered voters in Sabula. A majority of the population is White. Only one percent of the population is black or Hispanic. A quarter of the population is in the labor force. The poverty rate in Sabula is 9.6%, while the child poverty rate is 11.5%. The city has a high school graduation rate of 90.1%, 11.7% of residents hold a bachelor's degree, and three percent have a graduate or professional degree.

Sabula is a small, island city located on the Mississippi. The town has a beach, campgrounds, and boat docks. During the summer, Sabula is popular with tourists. Its proximity to Chicago makes it a popular vacation destination.