Rock Valley, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Rock Valley City is comprised of many different demographics. For example, the average age of the residents is 30 years old, while 30.2% of the adult population is less than 15 years old. The city is also a good place for families. Most residents own single-family homes, and the crime rate is among the lowest in the country. There are several things to know before moving to Rock Valley City.

The population of Rock Valley is approximately 3,901 people. The population density of this city is around the mid-range compared to other communities in the area. The median home price is $196,700, and home appreciation has been at a 3.8% over the last ten years. This makes Rock Valley a great place to move to if you want to live in a thriving community.

The median household income in Rock Valley is $61,360. The median age is 35.7 years old, and the city is a great place to raise a family. The median income for Rock Valley residents is also relatively high, at $35 per hour. The poverty rate is only 18.0% higher than the national average. Rock Valley has a variety of different economic indicators and statistics that can help you determine which neighborhood is the right one for your needs.

Although English is the most widely spoken language in the U.S., Rock Valley residents do speak other languages. 98.5% of the population speaks only English and do so very well. The same goes for Iowa, where 91.5% of the population is five years of age or older. A third of Iowa residents are over 65, but only 6% of them speak any other languages. One of the major challenges that Rock Valley, IA has is aging.