Rock Falls, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides population and steets data for Rock Falls City, Illinois. These data are based on the 2016 United States Census Bureau American Community Survey. The table includes information on the number of residents in various socioeconomic groups, race, and age. In Rock Falls, Illinois, the median age for all residents was 40.5 years. In comparison, the median age of native-born citizens was 40 years old, while that for foreign-born residents was 43 years old.

The population of Rock Falls is approximately 8.95k. The median property value in Rock Falls is $78,000. The homeownership rate is 63.4%. The median household income in Rock Falls is $54,226. Most people in Rock Falls, IL drive alone to work, which adds up to an 18.6 minute commute time. The average number of cars per household was two. There are more than 8,900 people living in Rock Falls.