Rinard, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the city's population and steets will tell you much about the area. Rinard is home to approximately 4,500 people, but that doesn't mean that crime is non-existent. The city's average violent crime rate is less than a felony, so there's no reason to be alarmed. Nevertheless, you should always verify any information you find on crime rates before making any big decisions.

The median household income in Rinard City is $55,125. This is higher than the national average, and slightly higher than most nearby ZIP codes. Rinard City also has a relatively small percentage of people who did not finish high school. This is great news for families looking for affordable housing. There are also plenty of vacancies, but fewer than average. In fact, there's a very low percentage of poverty in Rinard City.