Readlyn, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In the U.S., there are two types of populations: native-born and foreign-born. The percentage of foreign-born citizens in Readlyn is higher than the national average, at 6.3%. The city is home to approximately half as many foreign-born residents as the state of Iowa. However, foreign-born residents represent only a small fraction of the city's population, with only 13.5% of its total population being foreign-born.

As of 2019, Readlyn, IA is home to approximately 780 residents. The median property value in the city was $130,400, up 5.12% from the previous year. The median household income in Readlyn is $69,750, a decrease of 3.96% from the year before. For more information on the economy of Readlyn, you may wish to check out the city's poverty rate.

The state of Readlyn, IA has a low poverty rate compared to the rest of the country. In 2019, only 11.7% of the population of Readlyn lived below the federal poverty line. This is lower than the national rate of 14.1%. Despite this, there are still many people living below the poverty line in Readlyn. Readlyn is home to 50 renter-occupied households, which is significantly lower than the state's average of 60.7 percent.

The population of Readlyn is comprised of both married and single families. This makes Readlyn a more family-centric city than Tripoli, which has a higher percentage of married-couples. The median age in the city is 37.8 years, and the population is made up of approximately 71% women and 11.2% men. If you are wondering what the percentage of single people in Readlyn is, the answer is likely to surprise you.