Postville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick snapshot of the Population & Steets in Postvill City, Iowa. It shows the percentages of residents of different racial and ethnic groups. Listed below is a breakdown of racial and ethnic groups by postcode. A quick search for Postville will reveal more information. For example, Postville has a large number of Hispanic residents. There are also a small number of Lubavitcher Hasidic Jews. One of these newcomers has been appointed to the city council, but it will be up to voters to elect him or her.

A few years after the book was published, the author returned to Postville to research the effects of Hasidic Jews on the town's meat processing plant. While the original plant was destroyed in a fire in December 2003, a new one was constructed in nearby Marshall. Despite the resulting racial division, the population and steets in Postville City is still growing and the local economy is expected to recover in the coming years.

In addition to its racial composition, Postville also has a high percentage of foreign-born residents. It has a foreign-born population that is 4.8 times higher than the national average. In addition, there are also a high percentage of working-class residents, with an average income of $22,083.