Pisgah, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know what the population and steets are in Pisgah City, North Carolina, then this is the article you're looking for. It contains information on all of the city's residents, from its highest-ranking officials to its lowest-ranking citizens. Here, you'll find all of the essential information you need to make your decision.

As of 2016, the population of Pisgah City was 240 people. The median household income is $36,875 according to the US CENSUS BUREAU. In terms of socioeconomic indicators, the poverty rate was 12%, slightly above the state average. The average number of children in the area attended a public school. Pisgah is located in the Jackson County school system, and has one elementary school and one high school. Pisgah is a small city, with County Road 58 bisecting it and County Road 60, 61, 88, and 83 running southward from town and curving northward. There are baseball and softball fields in town and a pavilion for special events. The town is also home to the Pisgah Gorge, which is a popular

While quality of life is highly subjective, it is important to consider the walkability of the area before buying a home. Some buyers prefer to live in urban neighborhoods, others prefer quiet, tranquil streets, and others hate the car dependency. In addition to the quality of life, it is important to consider the amenities and distance to nearby towns. If you can walk or bike to most of them, you're on the right track.