Pierson, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following facts and figures provide a quick snapshot of the Population & Steets in Piersons. These statistics reflect the general safety of this community. The median age and percentage of foreign-born residents are significantly lower than the state average. The percentage of people with a bachelor's degree or higher is significantly lower than the state average. The population of Pierson City is comprised mostly of blue-collar workers, with nine pilots and four other airmen living there.

In 2019, Pierson, FL had a population of 1.52k people, with a median age of 42.4. The median property value in this city was $124,600, which decreased from the previous year's $129,200. There are five main employment sectors in Pierson, FL, each paying around $58,750 per person. The five most common racial or ethnic groups are White (Non-Hispanic), Black/African American (30%), and Hispanic (0.47%).