Percival, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Perctial City, IA are important for determining the local economic status. Percival is located in Fremont County, Iowa, and has a population of 102. As of 2010, the population was 102 and is decreasing 0.00 percent annually. The median house value in the city is $146,900, and the median age is 60.3 years for males and 60.4 years for females.

As of 2010, Percival was flooded by a historic Missouri River flood five years ago, cutting off the community from the surrounding areas. The 2011 photo shows the city looking southwest at the Interstate 29 interchange. You can sign up to receive local news delivered straight to your inbox. The list also includes nearby towns. By utilizing the list, you can plan your own trip and explore the area. You can also use this list to search for other cities within 100 miles of Percival, IA.

Crime rates in Percival are higher than those of surrounding cities. While the crime rates are higher in some neighborhoods, these statistics are higher than the national average and the state average. Crime is a major concern, but it is not always a sign of unsafe neighborhoods. Just be sure to use a reliable map to determine the crime rates in your community. You should be aware of the fact that crime rates can differ greatly from neighborhood to neighborhood. It is best to avoid the areas with high crime rates.