Peosta, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Peosta, Iowa is one of the fastest growing communities in America, with a growth rate of more than 100% over the past 20 years. With two elementary schools and several other amenities, the population is growing, and the town is also adding neighborhoods. It ranks number 8116 nationally and 289 in the state for diversity. The population of Peosta is comprised of primarily young professionals and families.

The median household income in Peosta is $73,961 and the median age is 31.5 years. Peosta has a higher poverty rate than many other communities in the US, with an average poverty rate of 12.9% and an even higher rate of homelessness (28.3%). Peosta is also home to a lower unemployment rate than the state average of 5.44%. The median home ownership rate is also high, at 84%.

Peosta, IA has a population of 1,747 people. Its median household income is $81,397. Its poverty rate is 4.4%, while the median household income in Stanwood is $43,663.

The median age of the population in Peosta is 30.6 years, with a ratio of 1.05 males to one female. The percentage of residents of color is significantly above the state average. The median household size is 2.81 people. As of the last census, the population of Peosta, IA is expected to grow by 13.0% by 2035. The gender composition of the city is almost 50:1 male to one female.