Onawa, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Onava City? This city is located in Iowa. It has an approximate population of 1,252 people. More than half of these residents either drive their own cars or take public transportation. The other half walk or ride a trolley bus. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the city's population is composed of people in three types of occupations. Those in the service industry comprise 28% of the population, while those in blue collar occupations make up 43% of the total workforce.

Onawa was established in 1857 and is located near the middle line of Monona County. The town is eight miles east of the Missouri River and a further three furths from the nearest point. The town was laid out by the Monona Land Company in 1857. Its streets are 150 feet wide and its alleys are 16 feet wide. Two blocks of land were set aside for public parks.

The city is home to an ice cream parlor and a bakery claiming to have invented the Eskimo pie. The population is small and a little surprising, considering that it has a population of about 2,849. More troubling is the fact that nearly one-fourth of the population lives below the poverty line. The local SNAP program serves 24.9% of the population. Therefore, residents of Onawa should expect to pay their rent.