Northwood, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Northwood City, it's important to know the population and steets of the city. The population of Northwood is about 52,000 people and reflects the neighborhood's diverse demographics. The area is also a hotbed of drug dealing and gang violence. The borough is controlled by a mixture of different gangs. The city was modeled after the neighborhoods of two real-life Manhattan neighborhoods - Northwood and Park Slope. The nearest LTA stations are Frankfort High and Frankfort Low, while Vespucci Circus is the closest to the east side of the city. Northwood is also the location of the Governor Greg Johnson Projects, where the fictional character Dwayne Forge lived and worked.

The population of the city of Northwood increased by 44 percent between 1980 and 1990, and it grew by 43 percent in the decade following that. The city is ranked 88th among all towns and cities in the state. The population data listed above are from sources deemed reliable, but may contain errors and omissions. The data is subject to change and is not guaranteed to be accurate. For more detailed information on the population of the city, contact the city's community contact.

The population of Northwood is 5,265 people. It is a mid-sized city that lies near the Michigan border. Northwood's weather is largely moderate, with June and September being the most pleasant months. However, August is the least pleasant month. The city's economy is based on a diverse range of businesses, including a large port and a thriving industrial center.