Mystic, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Mystic City? The population of Mystic City is diverse. It is composed primarily of medium and small sized homes. The majority of these are owner-occupied. Many of these houses were constructed between 1970 and 1999. The vacancy rate for Mystic City apartments and homes is 7.3%, which is slightly below the national average of 54.9%. The vacancy rate is centered in the middle.

The city has a population of 4,205. Its name is derived from the Pequot word "missi-tuk," which refers to a large river. Wind and tides drive the waters of this river into waves. Mystic is also home to the Mystic Museum of Art, located at 9 Water Street. The museum displays art from the Mystic Art Colony and contemporary American artists. The Mystic Aquarium houses a collection of animals.

Mystic, CT has a median property value of $428,500. This is 1.78 times the national median of $240,500. In addition to this, it is a majority-white city, with about 68% of residents being non-Hispanic whites. Other races, including African Americans, make up 1.15% of the population. The median age of residents of Mystic is 54.8 years old, with females slightly older.

The average income level of Mystic residents varies from person to person. The local poverty rate is 6.10% compared to 14.1% nationally. However, 10% of the population lives below the poverty line in Connecticut. There are several statistics available for each state's poverty rate. You can view these statistics to see what makes the city attractive for families. They can also learn about the costs of living, crime, and the incidence of coronavirus.