Murray, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Murray City has many unique qualities that make it unique. Here, we will discuss the population and steets of the city. Learn more about the history of the area. Find out how the area grew, how it's changing, and what its future may hold. Once a bustling coal mining community, Murray City is now a vibrant, value-driven community. Listed below are some facts about Murray City.

The town is divided between old and young, a division that is often tinged with nostalgia for a simpler time and an unwillingness to adjust to the current environment. Some residents are disdainful of the young, citing age, drugs, and crime as reasons to leave. Younger residents yearn for opportunities, but believe there is no more reason to live in Murray. The true heart of Murray City lies in its interactions, with nearly everyone knowing someone else.

The population density of Murray is 48,278. This is on par with the other cities in the area. The nearby Millcreek CDP is the most populous, with a population of 60,828. This makes Murray the third largest city in the greater Murray region. If you want to find a home in Murray, the median cost of rental homes is $1,109 per month. The median age is 36.6 years.

Murray has more single people than any other city in Utah. Single people make up nearly 45% of the population. As for the sexes, Murray is smaller than Taylorsville, but it's not by much. Murray has a higher than average number of people with low incomes. However, the city does have more young people. While Utah has a higher percentage of single people, Murray has a slightly higher proportion of older adults.