Maxwell, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information about Maxwell City, Alabama will provide you with some general facts about the community. In the United States, 61.1% of residents identify as white. 12.3% are black. 5.4% are Asian, and 17.8% are Hispanic. Approximately 2.6% of the population is unknown. The census asks respondents to identify their ancestry, and the most prevalent ancestries are German, Irish, and English. There are also high concentrations of Norwegian population.

The population of Maxwell City is approximately 920. This number is expected to increase by as many as 100 people by 2020, according to the Census Bureau. Maxwell is located within the North Platte Micropolitan Statistical Area. If you'd like to know more about Maxwell's history and current population, you can read about the tornado that devastated the area on May 17, 2000. You can find out more about Maxwell city by visiting its website.