Martelle, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Martelles? Look no further, as this Martelle, Iowa, USA city guide will help you with your research. We have compiled a list of the most relevant statistics for Martelle, including its residents, median age, and family size. Take a look at Martelle's demographics, and discover what makes this town so unique. Population and Steets in Martelle City are always changing, so check with the city's official website to see the latest information.

The racial and ethnic composition of Martelle, IA is mostly White. Approximately 0.7% of residents identify as African American. Other groups include Hispanics, Asians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, and Two or More. Regardless of racial or ethnic origin, nearly half of the population is below the poverty line in Martelle, IA. The most common jobs in Martelle are in the manufacturing, sales, and service industries.

Among those who are currently living in Martelle, Iowa, the poverty rate is 3.6 percent. This is much lower than the national average of 8.1 percent. There are many reasons for this disparity, but the main reason is simply failure to pay rent. Evictions indicate a weak economy, so if you notice a large percentage of evictions, you can consider moving to another town.

Demographic data for Martelle, Iowa shows that 195 residents were of voting age. Of these, 54.9% of people are under the age of 18, while 7.4% are between the ages of twenty-four and forty-nine. Of the rest, 28.9% are not family-oriented. A significant number of senior citizens (or people in their 80s) lived alone. Those data should be useful for your planning efforts.