Marcus, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Marcus? The Marcus City population is approximately 5,800 people. You can find out more about the demographics of this community by using the census data below. This data can help you determine the quality of life in this city. There are many benefits to living in Marcus. For starters, there are no crime rates in Marcus City. You can even find cheap rents in Marcus City if you have a limited budget.

Demographics of Marcus, SD indicate a high degree of affluence. About 87.8% of the city's residents are white, while less than one percent are black or Asian. About 80% of the city's residents have graduated high school. However, the median household income is only $40,370, which means that it's lower than average. Despite this low income, Marcus, SD residents are generally well educated.

According to the United States Census Bureau, 69.8% of Marcus residents are unemployed. The unemployment rate for people sixteen and older is 6.1%. The number of people working for the government is 11.0%. The median household income is $55,833.