Marathon, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for statistics on the population and steets of Marathon City, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find the facts about Marathon City, Alaska. Listed below are the most recent numbers. You can use this information to compare Marathon City with nearby communities. You can also view the full breakdown of Marathon City's eviction rate. There are fewer evictions in Marathon City than in nearby cities like Arkdale and Sayner.

The percentage of people who own their own homes in Marathon City is higher than in neighboring and parent geographies. The median household income in Marathon City is $60,417. The unemployment rate is about 8.5%. In Marathon City, there is a 0.83% poverty rate, which is lower than the national average. But, if you're wondering how many people are considered poor, consider the following numbers.

The Census Bureau reported that there were 632 households in Marathon City. Of those, 35.8% had children under the age of 18. Fifty-two percent of households were headed by a married couple. Another six percent had a female householder without a husband. Twenty-six percent were non-family households. Another nine percent were headed by an individual. And the average household size was 2.58 people and a family size of 3.14.