Lynnville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information on the residents of Lynnville, check out the Population & Steets in Lynnsville City. This will give you a good idea about how many people live in the area. You can see how many people commute each day using public transportation. You can also get a good idea of how long people commute to work in Lynnville by checking out how long it takes on average. The population of Lynnville is around 311 people, and compared to the national average of 26.4 minutes, a commute to work in Lynnville is only 8.8% longer than the national average.

You may be surprised to learn that the violent crime rate for Lynnville is higher than you might think. However, this is because many of these crimes are committed in areas that have little to no residents. For example, the central section of Lynnville has more retail establishments than the western part. However, crime rates in the central area of Lynnville are lower than those of other parts of the city. While red areas on the violent crime map do not necessarily indicate danger for residents, this does give you an idea of the types of crimes that happen in the city.

The population of Lynnville has increased by about 20.6% over the past century. The change in population can be attributed to many factors, including changing economic conditions. For example, the population of Lynnville in 1870 was 154 people. However, the population of the city increased to 287 people in 2010 - this means that the city is growing faster than most other cities in the state. However, the state of Alabama has seen a much lower increase in population in recent years.