Little Rock, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and satets of Little Rock, Arkansas, read this article. It will give you a better idea of the demographics of the city. Located in Arkansas, this city has a diverse population. The median age of the residents is 34 years old. There are more male residents than females, and there are eighty-five males for every 100 females.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in Little Rock is the second highest in the entire greater Little Rock area. However, this proportion is small compared to the rest of the state. Little Rock is also the second-most diverse city in the region, with a 7.3% Hispanic population. The ratio of Hispanics to whites is also large, with the total male population being 10.7% smaller than the female population.

The population of Little Rock is approximately 197,866 people per square mile. This is higher than the US average of 162 people per square mile. Little Rock's population density is also higher than its neighboring cities, including Cammack Village and Shannon Hills. These places have a relatively low population density. However, their average number of residents per household is 2.5, which is less than half of what the rest of Arkansas has.

The city is home to the Little Rock Marathon, an annual event held on the first Saturday of March. The race features the world's largest medal for marathoners. The city is served by numerous television stations. Although Comcast is the monopoly for cable and satellite television in Little Rock, the city's suburbs have the option of using another provider. The monopoly is a good thing, as it makes it easier for residents to get their favorite programs.