Letts, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning a trip to Letts City, Iowa, you might be interested in the Crime & Crime Rates in Letts City. The following table presents crime statistics by district, ignoring the population. You may find this table useful in planning your trip and exploring the local area. You may even wish to look up the population and steets of other nearby cities.

There are four major cities in the vicinity of Letts City. These cities generally have airports. If Letts doesn't have its own airport, you can search for flights to nearby cities. You may find that the nearest city is only 4 hours away. But if you want to visit a bigger city, Letts City is close enough. Its median household income is $46,250.

As of 2010, there are 533 residents in Letts City. This number may seem low, but it is significantly lower than the 136,060 population in the surrounding area. Letts has a low poverty rate, with only 6% of its residents living below the federal poverty level. Another important statistic is that 61.5% of Letts residents are employed. 91.3% have at least a high school degree. Despite being a small town, Letts is still considered a largely educated area, with over a thousand people per square mile.

The USDA has announced that it will be awarding $222 million in rural grants. One grant will help Lee County, Iowa purchase six ambulances to serve 36,000 people living in rural areas. Letts, Iowa has two grants totaling $11,600. If you're looking for Letts, Iowa, you may want to check out their ZIP code by searching the census or USPS website.