Ledyard, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population of Ledyard City, MD, keep reading. We'll tell you how many people live in the city, as well as how many rent their homes. Keep in mind, however, that this number can change. The most recent census data indicates a decrease in Ledyard's renter-occupied housing units. In the past, a higher share of the city's population rented their homes.

The percentage of households that spend most of their income on rental housing is known as rent burden. This measure is useful in determining whether rental housing is affordable in Ledyard. In contrast to the state average rent burden of 27.8%, Ledyard's rent burden is lower than neighboring cities such as Lu Verne and Lone Rock. Additionally, only 4.8% of Ledyard's housing units are occupied by renters.