Langworthy, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Langworthy City are a key indicator of the health of a community. The city is located in the northwest corner of Lancashire, and has a population of approximately 30,000. The town's population is split between three sub-regions: Langworthy North, Salford, and North Benwell, Newcastle. The towns are grouped by tenure, including home ownership, social housing, and private renting. The economic activity of residents is further broken down by the following: self-employed, employed, looking for work, and economically inactive, such as long-term illness.

The three selected areas had similar socio-economic profiles. The area with the largest population, North Benwell, contained approximately 400 homes, and Triangles and Langworthy South contained around 700 homes. All three areas were occupied by indigenous populations at least five years ago, and the number of households with dependent children was higher than the national average of 25 percent. The Triangles were the closest to the national profile, with 58 percent of households being economically active and only 46% economically inactive.

In 2006, the city's population and steets were examined by surveying households in the North, Triangles, and North Benwell areas. The surveys identified significant increases in community activity in these areas, which included local partnerships and 'delegated power' for community councils. The three case study areas exhibited significant levels of community activity, but residents in Langworthy North were less satisfied with the community overall than in the other two areas. This may be related to residents' mixed views on nearby private developments and concerns over demolition of existing homes in the area.