Klemme, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When deciding whether to buy a house in Klemme City, Iowa, you may be wondering how many people live there. The population of Klemme is approximately 2,000. The town's About Page provides information about the area's demographics, including its address, schedule, and population density per square mile. You can also call Town Hall Customer Service to ask any questions about the city's housing market or to receive a property tax bill.

The population of Klemme is comprised of a diverse range of racial and ethnic groups. The greatest percentage of residents identify as white, followed by Hispanic and Black. Other important ancestries include Norwegian, Dutch, and German. Moreover, the city has an estimated 38% female population, which is lower than the national average of 50.7%. For people with disabilities, the area has a low poverty rate of 0.75%.

The median age of the population in Klemme City was 39.6 years. The percentage of those under the age of eighteen was 6.3%, while the percentage of those in the twenty-to-four age range was 22.8%. Twenty-four to forty-four-year-olds comprised 27.7% of the population, while thirty-five percent of those over sixty-four were 65-plus years old. Overall, 49.1% of the population was male, and 50.9% of the population was over age 65.