Highlandville, Iowa Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Highlandville is located in Christian County, Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 911. In 2020, the city is expected to have a population of 1,055 residents. For more information, check out the Population & Steets in Highlandville City. Here's a list of cities surrounding Highlandville. You can search for nearby towns in Missouri or use the list below to find out how close these towns are to your own hometown.

The following chart shows the average family size in Highlandville City. This number is based on ESRI demographic data. Highlandville has an average family size of 3.1, while Nixa has an average of 3.3. In addition, both cities have more married-couple families than single-person households. In 2016, there were two evictions in Highlandville City. The ratio of married-couples to single-person households in Highlandville is 64%.

Households in Highlandville City earn a median of $48,125 per year. This amount is lower than the national average, but higher than nearby geographies. The median income in Highlandville, MO is $48,125 per year, or $99,820 for a family of four. There are also some very rich residents in the city. Most Highlandville residents describe themselves as members of a diverse ethnic group. The greatest percentages report being White, while the minority group is African-American.

The census also shows that there are 69 cities and towns within 69 miles of Highlandville, MO. Among them, the most populous city is St. Louis, with a population of 10,040 residents. Lastly, the median income is $48,125. The majority of the city is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Two+ and Black or African American. Only 0.534% of residents in Highlandville, MO are Hispanic, which is a low figure for a city of this size.